Thursday, October 12, 2006

Baird's Foolish Follies

Treasury Board Bully John Baird has finally come out of the CLOSET about his true feelings for City of Ottawa taxpayers.

The bumbling Baird's interference in the municipal election is the roar of the town today. Radio talk shows shows are questionning whether he should be in diapers for his childish behavior. Newspaper editorialists and columnists are lampooning the snarling, partisan agitator for trying to thwart Mayor Bob Chiarelli's re-election in favour of a devout admirer of President Harper.

Petulant John's foray into the municipal election has become a huge headache and embarrassment for the President and his muzzled crew of front benchers, who are still trying to figure out whether Barney is causing global warming.

Baird is sitting on $200 million in previously promised federal cash to extend a light rail project in Ottawa to ease the city's growing traffic congestion problems. City council widely supporter the project and voted overwhelmingly in favour of expanding the rail line.

Then Petulant John sticks his hairless chest into the fray. Screw democracy he says. I'm John Baird, the dude with the funny haircut who slashed literacy programs only to hit the streets with President Harper's First Lady three days later to raise money for - wait for it - literacy programs.


Bonzo Baird has a long history of sticking it to taxpayers. He learned his trade during his time currying favour during the Mike Harris common cents reign in Ontario, an era most Ontarians would rather forget.

Baird left a trail of doo doo along the way. Some of his more memorable moments include leaving more than 10 million Ontarians without electricity for nearly two days in 2003 when he was in charge of the province's power supply. He is still known in many parts of the province as Blackout Baird.

He was also the dim watted lightbulb who oversaw the $500 million Accenture computer boondoggle when he was Social Services Minister. And there is more.

How about the $2 million he wasted on partisan advertising too tell taxpayers how great he was? Baird also approved a 48-cent timbit donut expense for a staffer when he was in the Duffer's cabinet. Let's not forget about all those late night bar and restaurant tabs at swank Toronto eateries while he was responsible for Ontario's poor.

And not to be outdone, Baird also spent $5,000 on image consultants to learn how to dolly himself in front of TV cameras. Not sure what went wrong there, but he may want to consider a refresher course.

Baird's follies are becoming legend around town and the country. Expect more outrageous antics from this cabinet cuckoo and look for lawyers to begin drafting lawsuits against him and his minority conservative government for breaching cabinet ethics rules and violating federal privacy laws.

Way to go John John.


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