Monday, October 23, 2006

The Fools Around President Harper

It's no wonder President Harper is chasing Canadians away in droves. He is surrounded by a team of mimes entrusted with getting his Republican message out.

Problem is, Harper's communication puppets are about as experienced at getting the message out as the President is at showing emotion. Head mime Sandra Buckler and some repressive press toady named Dimitri Soudas are the backbone of Harper's spinless, er, spineless, communications team.

The latest embarrassment by the gaffe-prone Soudas involves respected still photographer Dave Chan. Chan was hired by Rick Mercer to snap a few shots of an upcoming TV sketch being shot at 24 Sussex Drive. The ink wasn't even dry on the deal when Soudas issued an alert to the Mountie detail at the famed cat mansion not to allow Chan on the property.

Seems Diet Soudas is not a fan of Chan, nor most members of the National Press Gallery. The feeling is mutual. Soudas is a laughing stock on Parliament Hill. He lost respect long ago with journalists.

And when they are laughing at your staff Mr. President, they are laughing at you.


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