Thursday, June 12, 2008

How Do You Spell Idiot: Poilievre

The diaper-clad twit from Ottawa showed his true colours again this week with comments bordering on racism in an unfounded radio attack on Aboriginals.

This is what happens when control freak President Harper lets his backbench speak their minds (not that many of them have a mind).

Hatred, racism, bigotry, homophobia, anti-abortion drivel - the usual stuff that spews from the mouths of unleashed Republican Conservative MPs.

Pierre Poilievre, voted the most immature MP on Parliament Hill and hated by media and colleagues alike, said Aboriginals were lazy and a drain on Canadian taxpayers.

He made the insensitive comments on a day when MPs and Aboriginal groups were celebrating a new beginning during a ceremony on the Hill.

Ottawa apologized for the horrific treatment received by thousands of Aboriginal children who were taken from their homes and forced into residential schools.

What should have been a solemn ceremony was tainted by Poilievre's shocking comments.

Of course Harper doesn't have the balls to turf the parliamentary secretary.

Remember Tom Lukiwski, the gay basher. He sits proudly in the lesser president's caucus to this day.

Harper is a spineless leader.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Chuck Cadman Deserves Better Than Harper's Lies. Explain The Tape

How stupid is President Harper and the communication flunkies around the cat lover?

Pretty fucking stupid. Amateurs. Dwarfs. Some about to be fired when a new right-wing nutbar takes over as chief of staff.

Everyone knows the Conservatives offered a $1 million bribe to a dying MP to swing his vote. Chuck's wife, daughter and son-in-law confirm the offer was made.

Everyone knows that Harper knew about it, perhaps even instructed his officials to make the offer. (Explain your words on the tape).

How is anyone to know because of his stonewalling. He admits the words are his, but he won't explain what he meant.

Now the Conservatives are seeking a court injunction, trying to get the Liberals to stop using the tape of Harper's apparent acknowledgement that a bribe was offered.

They are running scared. They will lie to a judge, pay a a couple of flunkies hundreds of thousands of dollars to say parts of the tape were doctored.

Perhaps they even paid to doctor the tape themselves. But the tape wasn't doctored. Harper's words are clear as day.

Harper and his George Bush farm team will do anything to make sure the tape is not played over and over again during an election.

And Liberals will greet him at every stop on a campaign, blaring the tape every time he makes a speech until he tells the truth.

Liars should be exposed for who they really are.

Harper Pees Pants?

Much hilarity in the House of Commons on Wednesday over the wet stain on the front of President Harper's pants.

It seems the man who drives women over to the Liberals in droves - that would be Peter Van Lunatic - was so incensed during Question Period he knocked a glass of water on the hapless Harper.

What got him so pissed off? Step forward Liberal Foreign Affairs critic Bob Rae.

Rae had just said in the House that Van Loan liked to pull the wings off butterflies when he was a kid.

The comeback by Rae prompted the over stuffed Van Loonie to jump to his feet in protest and with the grace of an elephant on crack, he knocked the glass flying into the lap of the lesser President, a cat lover.

Probably the first thing Harper has had on his lap in weeks.

As for pulling the wings off butterflies, The Pain is certain that many others on the luddite benches of the Conservatives have done worse.

Cavemen do those sorts of things.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Gay Bashing Conservative MP Shuns Gay Pride.

The gay-bashing Conservative MP who promised to spend his life promoting tolerance after a video surfaced of him making anti-gay remarks in 1991 has apparently died.

How else can you explain Regina-Lumsden MP Tom Lukiwski's absence on the weekend at Regina's gay pride parade.

Gay groups said they were disappointed that the gay basher didn't even respond to an invitation to attend the event.

"Mr. Lukiwski stated in his public apology ... that he would spend the rest of his life making amends,'' said gay pride spokesman Nathan Markwart.

"Well, when exactly does that kick in?"

In the 1991 tape, Lukiwski was recorded saying: "There's As and there's Bs. The As are guys like me. The Bs are homosexual faggots with dirt on their fingernails that transmit disease.''

In his apology, Lukiwski insisted he is not homophobic and that the comments do not reflect his beliefs then or now.

President Harper continues to protect the gay basher in caucus.

Gay rights groups have noted that just three years ago Lukiwski told the Commons that legalizing same-sex marriage could lead to polygamy and social decline.