Friday, July 04, 2008

NDP Whiner; Shut The F Up

When will the media expose Jennifer Wright for who she really is? A honcho-wearing lefty and proud supporter of the NDP? A right-wing Conservative?

Mehtinks a Republican Conservative.

She is also known to many Canadians as a whiner.

She's the person who cries into any microphone shoved in her face to decry the federal Liberal environmental initiative

Why you ask?

Because she runs some company that sells coffee cups Made in China to Canadians companies dumb enough not to know where the nearest Loblaws is located.

She calls her company Green Shift.

She cries crocodile tears because the name the Liberals are using to sell a policy is similar to the name her company uses to sell products made in some of the most environmentally unfriendly countries on the planet.

Do us all a favour and shut up.

You are damaging the environment with all the hot air you spew, which in turn sends more people to

Thanks for that.


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