Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Rahim Jaffer's Second Thoughts

Former coffee baron Rahim Jaffer is apparently having second thoughts about his impending ball and chain deal with the ditzy Helena Guergis, the airhead flunky who has lost the confidence of President Harper, a cat lover.

Guergis and Jaffer have been an item for many months in Ottawa and the late-night legovers with the former blonde bimbo got to the better of the rampant stick man.

Like the many fools in the President's caucus, he proposed to the mindless G-string after downing a 12-pack of Red Stripe and a tray of tequila shooters.

It took months for the hangover to go away. When Jaffer awoke from his drunken slumber he realized the nightmare was only beginning.

And things have only gotten worse.

Guergis has been under daily attack for being an abject failure as the junior foreign affairs minister in stockings and garters.

While Liberals were actively pushing the case of a jailed Canadian in a Mexican prison - even visiting Brenda Martin in jail - Guergis was munching on canapes and swilling margueritas a few kilometres from the prison where Martin is incarcerated.

Her outlandish, reckless and uncaring behaviour caught the attention of the hapless Harper. Harper was so pissed at Guergis, he assigned Fred Flintsone's double to the Martin file to try and fix the mess she created.

Of course, Jason Kenney used the opportunity to aquaint himself with the tasty Taco.

And to further bring shame upon herself, Guergis and the mouth that keeps on giving whined to the media this week that she can't pick a date for her wedding because Liberal Leader Stephane Dion refuses to bring down the All The Presidents Men.

What a fucking airhead.

Her exact quote: "Why don't you call Stephane Dion and ask when we are going to have an election so I can set a wedding date?" she asked a reporter in her Ontario riding last week.

Now you see why Jaffer is having second thoughts.


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