Friday, December 14, 2007

Conservatives Give New Meaning To Pathetic

Have you ever seen a chicken with a firecracker shoved up its arse. No. Well take a look at Harper's Republican Conservatives.

The right-wing lunatics and Mulroney fan club members were all in a tizzy yesterday after Mulroney's lame appearance before a Commons committee.

Thet seized on comments by a founding member of the separatist movement in Quebec who suggested on the Conservative Television Network (CTV) that the CBC wrote questions for Liberal MP Pablo Rodriguez.

Complete bullshit.

But let's take a look at the source of the fabrication.

Jean Lapierre. Mouthpiece for TVA. He indirectly works for Mulroney, who sits on the board of Quebecor, which owns TVA and other media outlets that conveniently ignore the Mulroney story.

And who did Lapierre utter his fabrication to. Mike Duffy, a long-time pal of Mulroney and chief TV spokesperson for the Harper Conservatives.

Case closed.

Except Mulroney has still not explained his lobbying role on the wireless telecomminications file. What is known is that Quebecor stands to gain the most through deregulation.

So we ask again Mulroney. How many times did you meet former Industry Minister Maxime Bernier to lobby on this file?


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