Thursday, December 06, 2007

Conservative MP Springs Boner In Commons

So let's get this right.

James Moore, the Republican Conservative mouthpiece for the unelected Minister of Public Works, has been getting his rocks off in the daily Question Period in the House of Commons by salivating over scantily clad tarts on his laptop.

Who would have thought one could spring a boner in the erotic world of QP.

But we digress.

Moore's obsession with tits and ass did not sit well with Dipsy Doodle MP Irene Mathyssen, a bodice wearing sexless goddess who launched a complaint in the House about the perv across the way.

Mathyssen later retracted her complaint. Why?

Well it appears she had phone sex, er, a phone chat with Moore after the bombshell was dropped in the Commons and learned that yes indeed Moore sported a chubby on a daily basis while drooling over pictures of a scantily clad tart.

But, says Moore, the tart he was wanking too was not some cheap floozy he downloaded off the Internet. It was his girlfriend.

That's Okay then. We guess House rules permit male MPs to view dirty pictures as long as the photos are of their girlfriends, wives or mistresses.

The Pain would like to see what's on John Baird's hard drive.



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