Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Taliban Jack Layton Loses Mind

Just how cuckoo is Taliban Jack Layton and his band of ferry misfits.

How about asylum-bound whacko.

Layton is itching for a federal election he desperately wants to lose so he can replace Hapless Howie Hampton on the Ontario front.

The tax and spend Layton was shooting off his hairy lip today to a bunch (three) poncho Lewd Democrats recently released from Millhaven Prison who have exressed an interest in carrying the Orange banner in the next election.

The stand-for-anything Layton (as long as it gets me a cheap sound bite on the news) was again promoting President Harper and his Republican Conservatives and trying to convince Liberals to switch to the NDP.

Layton has been watching his support slip faster than it takes Jason Kenney to wolf down a pizza, three hamburgers, a steak and fries.

He'll do just about anything to keep hold of his weakening grip on his fractured party. Remember a few months back when he introduced hand puppets as new candidates. Cuckoo.

However, he always forget to mention that the Green Party is about to supplant his dying party as the voice of the left.

And he forgets to mention that he and his party of wankers helped Harper kill the last government - effectively killing the Kyoto Accord, Kelowna Accord and a national child-care program.

His union with Harper has likely changed the once-proud face of Canada forever.

Layton is an embarrasment as a politician.

A puppet would be a better leader.


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