Thursday, September 06, 2007

Once An Asshole, Always An Asshole

Just when you thought the most despised prime minister in Canadian history was resting in a home for retired political idiots, Brian Mulroney surfaced today to sell a book.

The 1,100 page doorstop is a recounting of Mulroney's foggy days in office before he left in a rye-induced haze to seek greener pastures on the board of director circuit.

Of course Mulroney doesn't mention the $43 billion deficit he left Canadians with when he stormed from office under the cover of Kim Campbell after the masses gathered outside the Parliament Building to burn his sorry Conservative ass in 1993.

Nor does he mention the fact that he is one of the fathers of separatism, having created and nurtured Lucienne Bouchard, who would later go on to form the Bloc Quebecois to carry out the master plan to destroy Canada.

No, what Lying Brian does is take cheap shots at Pierre Trudeau.

Mulroney didn't have the balls to take on Trudeau when he was alive, but somehow has found the courage to impune the reputation of a man who has been dead nearly six years.

Not much has changed with Mulroney.

He's fatter, older, still married to what's her name, still remains a close confidant of President Harper, still a barritone limp dick.

Canadians would be dumb as Harper's Republican Conservatives to buy the offerings of Muldoon.

And have a light dinner if you plan to watch a two-hour book promo on CTV on Sunday night. There is a good chance you will get two hours of why you hated and mistrusted Mulroney in the first place.

Then again, that could be a good thing for Canada.

Because some things never change.


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