Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Van Lunatic's IQ soars to 16

The chubby man with the title House Cleaner in President Stephen Harper's Republican Conservative dictatorship showed again this week why he is a knob of intergalactic proportions.

Peter Van Loonie, a self absorbed poster child for why certain parents should never have children, lost his cool yet again, directing a venomous attack against Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty.

The squid-like Van Lunatic called McGuinty a small man of Confederation because the premier said Ontario was taking one up the yang under Harper's ill-thought seat redistribution plan.

Ontario, the country's largest province, is being short changed by about 10 seats by a Republican Conservative government that pits region against region and treats premiers like war criminals.

In defending the absurdity of Harper, Van Lunatic went as far to suggest the reason Ontario should take what Harper is offering is because there is not enough room in the House of Commons for more chairs.

What a fucking moron. Not enough room for seats.

Maybe if the super-sized fucks like Van Loan trimmed down, we could squeeze dozens more in the House of Commons.


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