Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fat-Assed Con Snaps Shots Of Media

So we are hearing paranoid Republican Conservatives have taken to sneaking around Ottawa to take photographs of journalists having hamburgers on patios with Liberal political staffers.

This, says one fat-assed Republican Conservative blogger, is proof the National Press Gallery is biased in favour of Liberals.

How fucking ridiculous. When will John Baird come out of the closet? We digress.

The fact Republican Conservatives have taken to stoop so low shows just how scary these creeps are. Hiding in shadows, taking pictures and posting them on blogs.

There is nothing these freaks won't do to tarnish the reputations of those who dare to stand up to President Harper's diabolical plan to destroy a strong and free Canada.

Simply pathetic.

It's bad enough these people broke every rule in the Elections Canada handbook to buy the 2006 federal election.

Now they are running scared, back to their parents basements where they yank off with delight to free Internet porn while mommy bakes macaroni casserole.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Explain The Tape President Harper

President Harper scowled and kicked a cat today after a news report showed a tape of him talking about a financial deal to sway a dying MPs vote is authentic.

The hapless Harper is using every means at his Republican Conservative party's disposal to discredit the legitimate tape recording of his voice talking about a deal to Chuck Cadman.

Harper rightfully fears the tape will be blared over and over again at every stop the climate-denying chump will make during the next federal election.

It was the Young Liberals who really pissed off the cat lover a few months back when they drove around Parliament Hill in a van outfitted with speakers blaring the recording of Harper.

Harper went apeshit, say sources, when the van stopped below his third-floor office and cranked up the volume of the tape with his voice talking about financial considerations.

His lame-duck party hired some so-called audio experts to suggest the tape was doctored.

Now it appears those same experts are backing off their original findings because the Republican Conservatives lied to them about the tape they were given.

Explain the tape Harper.

Idiot Boy Gets Spanked; Harper Bought 2006 Election

Idiot boy Pierrette Potty Mouth Poilievre got smacked upside his head Tuesday by Canada's chief electoral officer who all but confirmed the Harper Republican Conservatives broke every rule in the book to steal the 2006 federal election.

The only party that broke the rules was the Harper Republican Conservatives, Marc Mayrand concluded at a special Commons committee investigating the election scam.

In fact, Mayrand said he double checked the books of all political parties and went as far back as the 2004 election and found only one party had broken the rules. The Republican Conservatives.

So all the whining by Poilievre and Dork Finley, the party's chief arse kisser and campaign manager, has been for not. The RCMP were right to raid the party's downtown headquarters before evidence could be shredded.

You broke the rules. You got caught. Your vindictive and petty attempts to paint all political parties as corrupt has failed.

How Mayrand's testimony will influence an intimidation lawsuit against his office launched by the Republican Conservatives is unknown.

But it does appear Harper's Republican Conservatives will be charged with federal offences for buying the 2006 election in an elaborate advertising scheme.

It's about time some of these feckless twits went to jail.

Friday, July 04, 2008

NDP Whiner; Shut The F Up

When will the media expose Jennifer Wright for who she really is? A honcho-wearing lefty and proud supporter of the NDP? A right-wing Conservative?

Mehtinks a Republican Conservative.

She is also known to many Canadians as a whiner.

She's the person who cries into any microphone shoved in her face to decry the federal Liberal environmental initiative

Why you ask?

Because she runs some company that sells coffee cups Made in China to Canadians companies dumb enough not to know where the nearest Loblaws is located.

She calls her company Green Shift.

She cries crocodile tears because the name the Liberals are using to sell a policy is similar to the name her company uses to sell products made in some of the most environmentally unfriendly countries on the planet.

Do us all a favour and shut up.

You are damaging the environment with all the hot air you spew, which in turn sends more people to

Thanks for that.