Friday, August 15, 2008

When Did NFLD Join Confederation? Don't Ask President Harper

President Harper showed his ignorance of Canadian history this week when he told the world Newfoundland joined Confederation in 1867.

What the fuck? I thought it was 1949. Oh, it was.

And the leader of the Republican Conservatives made the astonishing flub
on The Rock - in the backyard of Premier Danny Williams.

The arts-hating Harper, a cat lover, was stumbling through Atlantic Canada on a vote-buying junket when he showed how little he knows about Canada.

He left with egg on his face and a puffin between his legs.

Premier Williams, meanwhile, couldn't resist taking a swipe at the hapless Harper.

He said Harper should go back to grade school and pay attention to the history teacher instead of pulling wings off butterflies.

Williams also warned the rest of Canada that if there is an election this fall and Harper gets a majority: "God help us all."

Couldn't have said it any better Danny Boy. Couldn't have said it any better.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Finley's Verbal Flatulance Forces Security Removal

Doug Finley, the masternmind behind the Conservative election in and out advertising scheme in 2006, stumped through Parliament Hill this week thinking he was big man on campus. Until he pissed in the wind and took a shower.

More like dufus on campus, or a Belushi character.

Finley made an arse of himself again, trying to bully and intimidate former Conservative candidates who were conned by President Harper's Republican Conservatives to participate in an elaborate $1.3 million election advertising scheme that is under investigation.

Charges are expected soon. RCMP paddy wagons are filling up their tanks as you read.

Finley was such an idiot that burly security guards, batons in hand, had to be called to physically removed the frumpy chump from a committee room where he stormed into uninvited. The hearings were held to get to the bottom of the fraud.

All Finley did was underscore how the Republican Conservative party snookered candidates, many of whom testified they were duped into the scheme.

But then again, that's the Harper way. His way, or highway.