Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fortier An Unaccountable Freeloader

Michael Fortier, the unelected multi-millionaire part-time senator from someplace near Montreal, took a cheap shot at the hundreds of thousands of Canadian seniors who lost their retirement funds this morning after President Harper broke a key election promise and imposed a tax on income trusts.

The absent, unelected Public Embarrassment Minister told seniors to "take a deep breath and a valium and get over it" when asked about the carnage HIS Republican-Conservative government wrought on seniors - many who will now be forced to rejoin the workforce after their retirement portfolios were wiped out.

The former bank teller's disgraceful comments are typical of someone who has more money than brains.

Canadian taxpayers are paying the freeloader more than $250,000 a year to do nothing. He refuses to run in an upcoming Montreal-area bye-election and he doesn't answer any questions in the Senate when he bothers to show up.

Montreal voters are salivating at the chance to show the lazy lout how they feel about him if and when he sprouts gonads and decides to run.

But the betting line is that Fortier will chicken out and hunker down in the Senate and ride the life-long gravy train. Typical of Republican-Conservatives.


Blogger Ed said...

While I do not feel that taxing income trusts is bad policy, there is no question that the Tory reversal on the issue has hurt many. If they had been honest from the get-go the damage would have been mitigated. I feel for those that swallowed the lies.

As for Fortier, I whole-heartedly agree that this freeloader needs to thrown out of government. As minister for Public Works he is responsible for oversight of spending authorized by the House. But, as a senator, he is forbidden from entering the House, and as such, need never face any questions about the key ministry he runs. It is a ridiculous state of affairs.

11:35 AM  

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