Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Norman Spector Wears Panties

The guy who fetched coffee and licked the backside of the most despised prime minister in Canadian history - step forward Brian Mulroney - shot his hairy mouth of today by calling Liberal MP Belinda Stronach a bitch.

What would be a good word to describe Norman Spector? An asshole comes to mind, so does jerk, moron, chauvinist pig and weasel.

Simply put, Spector and his Republican-Conservative ilk hate women. Spector and his hooded Republican-Conservatives go out of their way to degrade them, to humiliate them, to threaten them and to embarrass them.

Fawning Affairs Minister Peter MacKay, the son of a Mulroney-era cabinet flunkie, is a Spector prodigy when it comes to women. He referred to Stronach as a dog in the House of Commons and then stood proudly by his remarks even after they were caught on tape and heard by many.

House Speaker Peter Milliken, not a ladies man, does what he does best when a Republican-Conservative MP degrades women. He pulls his best Sgt. Schultz impersonation: I hear nothing, I see nothing.

Wake up Milliken or we will report what really goes on at The Farm.

The spermless Spector should pay a heavy price for shooting off his mouth. The national newspaper he submits crayon drawings to should dump him immediately. And the university he allegedly teaches at should put him in detention.

Spector is a disgrace, just like Mulroney.


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