Monday, November 06, 2006

Finley Urges Abuse of Funds

President Harper is urging his most senior political operative to encourage Hill staffers of Republican-Conservative MPs to flagrantly abuse public funds to help the party's candidates in a pair of upcoming by-elections.

According to media reports today, Doug Finley, husband of RayBan promoter and Human Resources and Lack of Development Minister Diane Finley, fired off a memo to staff to "encourage your Hill staff to participate in persuasion calling, which will be co-ordinated by the party's political operations team."

The memo goes on to suggest that staffers use their parliamentary office resources to pen letters of encouragement for the Republican-Conservative candidates running in London-North-Centre and Repentigny, the Quebec riding where the unelected and unaccountable Minister of Public Embarrassment and part-time Senator Michael Fortier is chicken to run in.

Of course, Finley's missive runs afoul of Treasury Board guidelines, which cleally state that any staffer who decides to become actively involved in any election campaign is required to take a leave without pay or resign.

It's a shame the President cut funding to literacy programs.


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