Thursday, December 07, 2006

Doris Day Flops At Committee

Public Safety Pin Minister Doris Day asked for his mommy today and a stuffed teddy bear after a gruelling appearance before a Commons committee.

Instead, he was given a glass of warm milk and a soother, and a committee aide changed his wet diaper before the proceedings could continue.

The jet-ski enthusiast with no knowledge of geography (which way does the Niagara River flow?) bitterly complained he didn't like the tough Liberal line of questionning by MP Mark Holland about when he first learned that the head of the Musical Ride was going to change his testimony on Maher Arar.

Day, of course, knew at least one month ago that Zack was going to reverse himself - a flip flop of nuclear proportions that cost Zack his mount.

Day also tore a strip off a national institution - The Canadian Press news service - for its accurate reporting today of his failure to persuade President Harper to sack Zack months ago.

Day denied he pleaded with the lesser President to cut the commish loose.

But CP says Day was joined by Fawning Affairs Minister Pete MacKay and Keystone Cop Minister Victoria Toews in a full-court press of the cat lover to have Zack surrender his badge and sword months ago.

There is much speculation around Ottawa about the lesser President's vigorous defence of the commish. Even Republican-Conservative insiders are wide-eyed.

"Everybody's been (joking) that Zaccardelli must have
(incriminating) pictures" said one Tory insider.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Day should John Baird and come out of the closet. Has Baird got a hair weave or what? Are he and Pierre Polievre dating?

3:39 PM  

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