Monday, November 27, 2006

Cheech and Chong: The Final Doobie

President Harper's 'my way or the highway' strategy was finally embraced by one of his cabinet minister's this evening when Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Michael Chong put his right foot to the metal and told the lesser President to eat his dust.

Cheech's sidekick quit the President's cabinet over what he perceives to be the lesser President's hidden agenda to carve up Canada at any cost to win more seats in Quebec and ultimately the majority government he needs to roll back the social clock.

Chong, who also doled out softballs and footballs as minister responsible for amateur sport, told friends, colleagues, his agent and God he was fed up with being muzzled by unelected officials in the lesser President's inner circle.

He said there was no consultation on the lesser President's move to recognize Quebecers as a nation within a united Canada. Chong did not support the motion and was not consulted before the President made one of his unilateral decisions.

The only person the President consulted - a humiliation for Chong - was Liberal MP and leadership candidate Stephane Dion, a constitutional guru.

Not only was Chong kept out of the loop, so was Lawrence Cannon, the President's Quebec lieutenant and sometimes Transport Minister. Another humiliation.

Chong abstained from voting on the Monday night motion instead of showing some backbone and voting against, which is typical of Republican Conservatives when faced with tough decisions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Mikey gets whipped and has taken his ball and gone home (to the back benches).
On the surface this would appear to be a principled stand.
Or, isn't this just typical of CPC members's MO for dealing with decisions they don't like...cut and run (...and they say they won't cut and run).
Or was Mikey in cabinet because of his nation and this reality hit home.
Or did he rebel when it became evident his only "work" involved staring out his office window.
Or is this all about Steve the control freak. Well if Mikey is the best Steve can get as a cabinet minister he damn well better control them.
Or, maybe this was part of Steve's grand plan around the nation- notion to force an inept member to resign.
Oh well, no loss for the country.
The real tragedy is this mad rush by Steve and some Liberals as well to put the Quebec nation issue to rest.
When will these main stream (street) politicians learn that the Quebec 'thing' is much more complex than there small minds can grasp....the 'nation' has done it to us again....

5:06 PM  

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