Monday, November 27, 2006

Screw Freedom of Speech: President Harper

Ousted Republican-Conservative bad boy Garth Turner spilled the beans today on President Harper's dicktator-style of governing. Turner, now an Independent, confirmed what all of Ottawa has known for months.

The President does not want to hear the views of his backbench Republican Conservative sheep. All policy is set by unelected religious retreads in the Communist-controlled White House North bunker.

The only advice the lesser President, a cat loving control freak, will heed comes the from the religious zealots who truly run the PMO - thumpers like Charles McVety, an anti-gay, anti abortion evangelical pulpit boombox who likes to boast that he can get President Harper on the phone within minutes of calling his prodigy while it takes elected MPs weeks, if at all.

``I believe there is a pipeline from a certain constituency, whatever you want to call it, righteous right, I believe there is a pipeline into the Prime Minister's Office and into the party,`` Turner said in media reports.

MPs, on the other hand, cannot call President Harper. They are told to shut up or risk being given the heave-ho like Turner. Democracy in action folks.

It's also well known around town that President Harper has told his unelected flock not to clink their chalices too loudly on issues such as gay marriage and abortion until after the Republican-Conservatives gain unfettered access to the Constitution by winning a majority. Scary.


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