Friday, November 17, 2006

Head Mime About to Lose Head

Startling news out of the capital today involving President Harper's head mime.

The President's no-show director of communist communications is a step closer to being tossed onto the street, according to Republican-Conservative cabinet ministers who say Sandra Buckler is out of control and needs to be ejected.

One need look no further than the growing negative coverage and big, bad and bold headlines of Harper's bizarre stand on foreign affairs (pissing off the Chinese, snubbing the EU, irking the French) to understand Buckler is in a shitload of trouble.

Her testy relationship with journalists and her inability to return phone calls is legend in Ottawa. Few people even know what she looks like.

And now we are hearing the head mime is spying on muzzled ministers and has enlisted the help of ministerial toadies to spill the beans on their bosses.

Buckler has ordered that staff working for cabinet ministers secretly provide her with assessments of their bosses' communication skills.

That's rich coming from a corpse who does not know how to communicate.

Now that Buckler has been ratted out by a number of ministerial mimes who are finally beginning to stand up to the PMO dimwit, a shitstorm is brewing.

Cabinet ministers say enough is enough.

Buckler has got to go, they say, or the knives will come out for the President, whose lack of leadership is killing the Republican-Conservative party as it sinks in the polls.

Buckler did not return phone calls.

That's because she and the President's other two press mimes - Carolyn Clifford Olsen and Dimitri Diet Soudas - are in Hanoi on a taxpayer-paid-for-junket doing what they do best - sightseeing and shopping.


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