Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Jason Kenney Caught in Yet Another Fib

The five o'clock shadow from Bedrock, aka Jason Kenney, fibbed once again in the House of Commons. The stubble-faced irritant is a compulsive fibber in the House of Commons where MPs can say anything they want under the sun without recrimination.

Kenny uses the same playbook as Republican-Conservative spiritual mentor Ted Haggard, the disgraced former head of the National Association of Evangelicals who lied about and then apologized for taking drugs and having sex with male prostitutes after a lifetime crusading against taking drugs and having sex with male prostitutes.

"I am a deceiver and a liar," the married father and hypocritical Republican-Conservative champion of family values said in a boo hoo apology to his flock of sheep who for decades bought into his moral compass.

Page 6 of the Canada-U.S. Republican-Conservative playbook says keep the lie alive for a week and then apologize. Fawning Affairs Minister Peter MacKay has not read that far into the playbook, or he would have apologized by now for referring to Belinda Stronach as a dog in the Commons three weeks ago.

As for Kenney, his latest fib was heard around the world after he said President Harper was unaware that Kyoto would be on the agenda at a Canada-EU Summit later this month in Finland before the lesser President abruptly cancelled his trip to Scandanavia.

President Harper, of course, is ducking the gathering because he feared the headlines back home would be big, bad and bold because he does not have an environmental policy, nor a minister who knows anything about global warming.

Kenney was caught in his lie today after Finland's ambassador to Canada said the agenda for the meeting was set two weeks ago and included a session on Kyoto and the environment. Pasi Patokallio also said in media reports that President Harper and his minions were aware of what was on the agenda at that time.

In the House of Commons, Kenney, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Fred Flintstone, was asked whether President Harper was chickening out of the meeting because Kyoto was on the agenda.

"We have not seen the agenda of this summit with the European Union, so I do not know if the question of climate change was part of the agenda," he said with a straight face during Question Period. What a crock.


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