Monday, November 06, 2006

Mime Exodus Continues on Hill

The parade of mimes leaving Republican-Conservative ministerial offices - kinda like rats leaving a sinking ship - is the talk of the town today as head mime and lobbyist Sandra Buckler and her sideshow flunky and part-time Shriner's clown Dimitri Diet Soudas try to contain a larger scale walkout.

Eight mimes (and counting) have so far bolted from their jobs as so-called directors of communications since President Harper moved his crew into the White House North Bunker in February.

The reason for the alarming rate of departures is widely known in Ottawa. All middle fingers point at Buckler.

One unemployed mime described Buckler's communication strategy as bizarre, backwards and damaging to free speech.

"It's like driving a car without holding the steering wheel, "an ex-staffer said in an e-mail about Buckler's control-freak style of managing. "This is Communism at its finest. I'd rather work at Tim Hortons. At least there we can talk to the customers."


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