Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Voters Get it Right in London North Centre

NDP Leader Jack-in-the-box Layton read the tea leaves this morning and the future looks bleak for his fledgling party of poncho-wearing tax and spend misfits.

Layton suffered an embarrassing defeat Monday night when his dirty tricks candidate in the London North Centre byelection was soundly thrashed, pummelled, and horse whipped by the Liberals, Greens and even the Charter bashing Republican Conservatives led by former Dubya Bush stenographer Dianne Haskett.

Dipper Doodle candidate Megan Walker placed fourth - an omen of things to come nationally considering the Greens led by Leader Elizabeth May gobbled more NDP support than any other political party in the Ontario byelection.

Layton's party of Republican-Conservative wannabees - step forward Patsy Martin - was Thunderstruck, 11 months after Layton hatched a neo-con plan with then Opposition leader Steve Harper to bring down the Liberal government, effectively killing a national child-care plan, the Kelowna Accord and Kyoto.

If Dippers look whiplashed today, that's because they keep looking over their left shoulder and see the Green Party train coming at them Like a Bat out of Hell.


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