Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Head Mime Totally Bonkers

President Harper's head mime has locked itself in a third-floor cloak room at the White House North bunker to hide from increasing calls for her head and to repel the amourous advances of Republican-Conservative MP James Moore, the love interest she dumped after he didn't make it into cabinet.

Sandra Buckler, the President's MIA director of communist communications, has had another one of her famous hissy shit fits on the heels of her Maxwell Smart plan to spy on the the President's cone-of-silence cabinet.

After a ministerial mime spilled the beans on Buckler's ludicrous plan, she went off the deep end and had all the locks changed at the PMO to prevent ministerial mimes from entering the building for weekly director of communication meetings.

Buckler is in need of a serious intervention or psychological counselling.

In any event, after alienating the National Press Gallery and now refusing to meet with her mime peers, what's left for Buckler to do.

Collecting and EI cheque comes to mind.


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