Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Doris Day Pets Dinosaur

Public Safety Pin Minister Doris Day was handing out purple Barney dolls yesterday to drive home his view that global warming is a fiction of the world's imagination.

The great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandson of Fred Flintstone returned to his revisionist roots in an absurd column he wrote in a Penticton newspaper last week.

Doris mused that as a cave dweller living in the B.C. mountains he couldn't wait for the day water levels rose so high that his cave would have a lakeside view. Forget the fact that Vancouver Island would be submerged and Vancouver a wet dream.

"Maybe all my constituents living high up on the West Bench or Lakeview Heights, or the hills of Logan Lake will soon be sitting on lakeside property as one of the many benefits of global warming," the batty Republican Conservative wrote.

Doris, of course, is no stranger to absurd beliefs.

When the jet-ski enthusiast was leader of the rights-stomping Canadian Alliance, he proved to an entire country that he was unfit to lead when during the 2000 federal election he said there was "scientific support for both creationism and evolution."

Oh really. Step forward Barney Rubble. Of course, he was vilified for his insanity and later went on the lose the election.

His views also spelled the end of the Canadian Alliance and sparked the creation of today's Republican Conservatives led by a widening President Harper, a cat lover.

This Bud is for you Doris. We need more of you in Parliament.


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