Thursday, December 14, 2006

Harper's Dummies Get Dummer

The national press corps was laughing at the White House North bunker today for screwing up a simple Christmas invitation to President Harper's cat mansion on the Ottawa River.

The President hand picked members of the press gallery to attend a rum-free, eggnog swilling contest on Monday, December 19th. Problem is the flunkies around the Bad President never bothered to look at a calendar.

There is no Monday, December 19th. Oops. How about Tuesday, December 19th.

It is no secret in Ottawa that the President despises the national media even though a majority of them fawned over the cat lover in the last election and helped the Republican Conservative win a minority government.

Things soured soon after the election when the communist mimes around the President decided that only certain (friendly) journalists could ask questions during the rare times the President made his widening self available to the media.

Then pictures of the President wearing silk gowns started to appear in newspapers across the world. And other pictures of the President wearing a leather vest and a rinky dinky cowboy hat appeared.

We digress. Back to the Xmas snoozefest.

Not only did the President screw up the date of the event, he personally intervened to make sure certain members of the National Press Gallery were excluded from the invite list.

Toronto Star bureau chief Susan Delacourt, Sun Media columnist Greg Weston, Sun Media scribe Allan Findlay were among those who were not invited.

Don't fret you guys. The mansion reeks of cat piss anyways.


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