Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Vanlunatic Lies Like A True Republican

So Peter Vanlunatic has joined the growing number of bald-faced liars surrounding President Harper, a cat lover.

The new talking head for the Republican Conservatives in the House of Commons has been wrongly attacking Liberal justice critic Marlene Jennings over her stern line of questions related to the President's stacking of judicial nomination committees.

Vanlunatic, the liar, keeps shooting off his pie hole that Jenning's husband, Maitre Luciano G. Del Negro, was appointed to the Immigration Refugee Board in 1997 because he was a card-carrying Liberal married to Grit MP.

If Vanlunatic bothered to check the facts before slandering people in the Commons, the self-styled Barney Rubble to Jason Kenney's Fred Flintstone, would know how much of a dolt he has become in the eyes of the Canadian public.

The facts are clear as the gin Vanlunatic guzzles: Del Negro has never been a member of the Liberal Party in Quebec. His wife was first elected as an MP several months after he was appointed to the IRB. He has a solid background in immigration law, which made him an ideal candidate for an IRB job.

But why would Vanlunatic let the facts stand in the way of a good smear.

Afterall, that's the Republican Conservative way. Smear, slander and libel anyone that does not buy into your neo conservative agenda.

Knuckledraggers. President Harper has trained his seals well.


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