Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bully Beard Threatens Legal Action

John Beard, international spokesman for hair weave products and minister responsible for hot air and nothing else, has a huge secret he is trying to hide from the Canadian public.

And the snarling gerbil lover has enlisted (yet again) the fax services of Lang and Michener to keep the secret hidden from Canadians concerned about the environment.

Beard does not want you to know that he was a key member of the Mike Harris government who sat on his hands when cabinet decided to slash program after to program to pay for promised tax cuts.

Among the cuts was the closure of provincial labs that tested drinking water.

Those cuts, as the world knows, led to the tragedy in Walkerton, Ont., where seven people died from drinking tainted water and thousands more became ill, some for life.

Beard, Big Jim Flaherty and The Tiny Twins and Two Tier Tony (Millhouse) Clement are all part of the Mike Harris environmental legacy - Walkerton.

All three are now front-bench toadies in President Harper's cabinet.

The scariest part is that Beard is now responsible for water at a federal level. Think before you turn on that tap people. Beard is in charge.

Anyhows, Beard is so fearful that the truth will come out he hired lawyers this week to threaten a Liberal pundit who shed light on his past last week on a TV show.

The lawyers want an apology and retraction.

What they will get is a big FUCK YOU, BRING IT ON ASSHOLES.

How can you retract the facts?

Liberal insiders are hoping Beard will initiate legal proceedings to keep the truth in the closet.

"That would give us a golden opportunity to repeatedly remind Canadians of Walkerton and why the likes of Beard, Flaherty and Clement sat on their hands."

The same insider also reminded us of the fact that Beard has another ugly blemish on his fudged resume from the Harris days.

He was the energy minister when the power went out in Ontario for nearly two days in 2003.

Hell of a track record John Boy. And you have the gall to pretend that you know anything about the environment. You know shit, that's for sure.


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