Wednesday, January 31, 2007

President Harper A LIAR

Good news out of Ottawa today that proves once and for all President Harper is a climate denier and a Kyoto basher.

The lesser President, a cat lover, knows shit about the environment otherwise he wouldn't have yanked John Beard from the Treasury Board closet and put the hair weave spokesman in a portfolio he too knows shit about.

The lesser President, who is ferried around town in a motorcade of gas-guzzling SUVs, was caught in a huge LIE today when the contents of a fundraising letter the Republican-Conservative penned were given to the media.

In the letter, Harper ridiculed the Kyoto accord as a money-sucking socialist scheme and said he would battle to defeat it.

The clown prince of deception derided the global treaty and questioned the science of climate change in the 2002 letter sent to members of his now-defunct Canadian Alliance party of knuckle draggers.

``Kyoto is essentially a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations,'' Harper says in the letter.

`Implementing Kyoto will cripple the oil and gas industry, which is essential to the economies of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia . . .

``Workers and consumers everywhere in Canada will lose. THERE ARE NO CANADIAN WINNERS UNDER THE KYOTO ACCORD.''

He also blasted the treaty for targeting carbon dioxide _ which he said is ``essential to life'' _ and played down the science of climate change as ``tentative and contradictory.''

Harper went on to promise a ``battle of Kyoto'' in hope of defeating the Chretien Liberals' efforts to implement the treaty legislation in the House of Commons.

``But we can't do it alone. It will take an army of Canadians to beat Kyoto, just as it did to beat (the) Charlottetown (constitutional accord),'' he wrote.

Coverage of Harper's true views on the environment and his hidden agenda was so extensive that Matt Drudge of the U.S.-based Drudge Report carried a link to a CBC story. (Not so on the Republican-Conservative bought and paid for Dork Snooze.)

Harper used the letter to solicit funds from party faithful. Now the letter is being used to kick him out of office. Bout time.


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