Monday, January 08, 2007

Beard's Mouth Source Of Global Warming: Al Gore

After celebrating the long overdue decision by the little known Wajid Khan to finally shed his toupee and come out of the closet to join the Republican-Conservatives led by President Harper, it's time to focus the spotlight on a different closet - the appointment of former Treasury Board Bully John Beard as Minister Responsible for Global Warming and Hot Air.

The cat-loving spokesman for international hair weave products replaced the bumbling Rona Ambrose, whose Grand Marnier plan to tax farting and burping to fix global warming turned into an unmitigated disaster for the lesser President, also a cat lover.

The president's decision to pick Beard was, of course, met with howls of laughter and snot fits around the world. In fact, more ice bergs were seen off the coast of Newfoundland only moments after Beard was sworn in.

Beard, as those in the national capital are well aware, stuck it to Ottawans during the November mayoral race when he pulled $200 million in previously approved federal funding from the table to expand light rail.

Documents show he did it solely for partisan purposes with no regard to the positive environmental impact a light rail system would have on the city.

Mass transit projects, last we heard, keep cars off the road.

But Beard deliberately killed light rail, a decision that has likely left the city and the federal government on the hook for a multi-nillion dollar lawsuit.

Beard's Ottawa calamity shows he knows zippo about the environment.

Never did, never will.

He's a loud-mouth bully who has a long history of ineptitude as a minister, both federally and provincially. Facts are replaced with rhetoric when he ramps up his rabid cat routine in the House of Commons.

Readers need to be reminded that Beard was part of the Mike Harris cabal that nearly destroyed Ontario when the Duffer was Premier.

Beard was known as Blackout Baird after he left more than 10 million Ontarians without electricity for nearly two days in 2003. Completely in the dark.

Beard couldn't even read his own hydro bill produced by his department when he was energy minister under the Duffer. And this is the boobie prize the lesser President, or his wife, wants to fix the environment.

Beard is also a soulmate of Two Tier Tony Clement, another Duffer disaster in the lesser President's cabinet who ignored dire warning that led to the water tragedy in Walkerton, Ont., where some residents died and others were left with life-long health problems, including children.

This is Beard's record. And there's more.

Beard was the boombox who oversaw the $500 million Accenture computer boondoggle when he was Ontario's social services minister. A half billion bucks gone under his watch.

Beard was the Duffer minister who blew nearly $2 million of taxpayers' money on partisan advertising to tell the public how great he was.

Beard was the Duffer minister who approved a 48-cent Timbit donut expense for one of his staffers.

Beard's appetite to screw the taxpayer was legendary at Queen's Park. He routinely stuck taxpayers with hefty bills for late-night drinks and meals at swank Toronto clubs while he was responsible for Ontario's poor.

Beard also wasted another $5,000 on image consultants to learn how to dolly himself in front of TV cameras. Money not well spent considering his image still sucks.

But, hey, if this is the guy the lesser President wants to champion the environment in the next election, the Pain says bring it on. Beard, like Ambrose before him and the lesser President now, has no plan.

He remains part of a Republican-Conservative party that disputes science and fact that show the planet is in trouble. The Inconvenient Truth.


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