Thursday, December 21, 2006

Doris Day A Racist? Or Just A Moron?

Public Safety Pin Minister Doris Day has escaped from the cuckoo nest again.

The jet-ski enthusiast stuck his foot up his arse yesterday in a weekly column he pens under some kind of influence for a Penticton, B.C., newspaper.

Why the paper allows his drivel to appear is beyond The Pain, but then again the Globe and Mail also uses fiction writers to tell about the day's events.

But we digress.

Doris, of course, showed signs of acid flashbacks from his days as an altar boy in a column he wrote several weeks ago about global warming.

The bobblehead said how wonderful it would be if water levels rose high enough to reach the cave he lives in on a mountainside in B.C. He would have a lakeside view.

He was harshly criticized for being an idiot and moron, key traits of Republican Conservatives.

He followed up the global warming column with an attack yesterday on those who would criticize his Barney-the-Dinosaur views on life.

Here's a sample of what he wrote:

"Aaaaanyway, it appears that local libs now send bits and pieces of my local columns to their favourite spear-chuckers down east who are quick to unleash a volley of indignation, which makes for good fodder back here at hom."

Spear chuckers. And this is one of President Harper's top guns. Hope he gets a hood for Christmas.

The dictionary defines spear chucker as a derogatory phrase for a black male used in reference to his primitive abilities to hunt animals with a long sharpened object.

Is this the type of writing Canadians want from a cabinet minister?

To a black person, this is offensive.

This shows one of two things.

That Doris is completely insensitive to black people or he has little command of the English language. At the very least, he should resign and move into his cave permanently.

Take the hood with you.


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