Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Gas Emissions Rise After Lunn and Beard Talk

Greenhouse gas emissions rose by about three megatonnes today after Republican Conservatives' John Beard and Gary Coleman Lunn opened their pie holes in Ottawa and re-announced Liberal plans to cut emissions.

Beard, the minister repsonsible for global warming and hot air, and Lunn, minister responsible for natural disasters and menus for cabinet retreats, suckered taxpayers again with yet another of President Harper's optics' announcements.

The President has been in the White House North bunker for a year and has not done one single thing to help the planet. All George Jr. has done is kill program after program that would have helped clean the air we breathe. He also drives around in a gas-guzzling presidential motorcade of SUVs.

Taxpayers should be outraged at Beard, the international spokesman for hair weave products, and his travelling companion.

Neither knows shite about the environment, and simply used today's announcement as an excuse to fly on the taxpayer dime to Regina to attend a Jan. 17 fundraiser for Republican Conservative ass kisser Tom Lukiwiski.

You see, when Beard was Treasury Board bully he agreed months ago to be the guest of honor at Lukiwiski's $100 a pop fundraiser scheduled for tonight. (It costs a hundred bucks to get access to Baird).

Flash forward to today and now not only has Beard found some new lame-ass excuse to visit Regina, he's bringing the shortest man in President Harper's cabinet. (Thank God Lunn can easily fit into a carry-on bag and flies for free.)

Why Canadians are not smoking mad about the abuse of public funds is beyond me.

Wake up people. The president thinks you are stupid.


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