Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Harper Pal Watches Failed Finley

RayBan promoter Diane Finley has a new set of eyes in her office to track her every stupid move.

The newly minted Minister of Temporary Resident Permits has been saddled with a new chief of staff, an unqualified childhood pal of President Harper.

The lesser president has imposed John Weissenberger on the hapless Finley, the failed former minister human resources and lack of development.

Finley, as the world knows, was demoted in a recent cabinet shuffle because she failed to create any child care spaces after having been on the job for a year.

Not one bleeping space. Didn't Get The Job Done. Didn't Know What The Job Was.

She has also let a native occupation in her riding escalate for the last several months without using her clout at cabinet to help fix things in Caledonia, Ont.

To keep track of Finley, the lesser President, a cat lover, brought in long-time drinking buddy Weissenberger to run Finley's ministerial digs.

Problem is Weissenberger knows shit about immigration. The guy is a geologist for christ's sake.

The only thing going for Weissenberger is his long relationship with the lesser President. They were graduate students at the University of Calgary and were co-chairs of the school's nerd association.

Harper even introduced Weissenberger to his present wife while they were in school.

The appointment is a sham and goes to show that it's not what you know in this Republican-Conservative administration, it's who you know.


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