Tuesday, February 06, 2007

President Harper Spews Pollution

Only moments after President Harper issued an edict for cabinet chauffeurs to turn off their idling cars and step indoors from the cold to help save the planet, the President's own motorcade of green-house gas spewing SUVs was seen adjacent to the Centre Block today with motors running and no President in sight.

Another example of the lesser President's complete hypocricy on the global warming file. The avid climate-denier was again fooling Canadians with head-line grabbing missives when he has no plan to protect the environment.

We just hope the national media watches the lesser President jump in his motorcade at noon today for the half-block ride to the Chateau Laurier to give a speech to the Canadian Club. Previous prime ministers would have walked to the hotel.

And we are willing to bet that while the President bores his audience inside, his fleet of security vehicles will be outside with engines running until he leaves.

What a hypocrite.


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