Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Harper Would Trample Social Rights

So President Harper launched a new series of attack ads in Quebec today just as the cat loving putz sees his party of Republican-Conservative climate deniers drop in the polls in la belle province.

The lesser President's lust to portary Liberal Leader Stephane Dion as the bogey man is driven purely by the lesser President's desire to pull the plug on Parliament and call a snap election.

Liberals, and apparently Al Gore, are saying: Bring It On.

There is enought fodder out there to convince the majority of Canadians that the lesser President is the second scariest person on the planet. His American Idol George W. Bush assumes the top spot.

If Canadians want to see Canada become the 51st state, then by all means vote for the lesser President.

If you want to see the social justice clock turned back decades, then vote for the lesser President.

If you want to live in a state where women, aboriginals, the illiterate, homeless, lesbians and gays, immigrants and others are treated like second class citizens, then vote for the lesser President.

A vote for Harper is a vote to end the Canada the world has come to know as a country of compassion, freedom and peacekeepers.

Under the lesser President, Canada would become another Yankee Doodle Dandee and we would be despised around the globe.

Canadians would no longer be able to walk safely around the planet with a Maple Leaf sewn into their backpacks.

That's the Canada the lesser President wants for you.


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