Thursday, March 01, 2007

Diaper Rash Causes Poilievre Outburst

The biggest baby in the House of Commons was reportedly doing well at the Children's Hospital today after being treated for a rash caused by soggy nappies.

Republican Conservative embarrassment Pierre Poilievre, a long-time bag carrier for Minister of Hot Air and Carbon Emissions John Beard, was last seen cowering in a hospital nursery after the Liberal Party of Canada served the thong-wearing pipsqueak with an intent to sue letter.

Poilievre removed his soother long enough to slander the party with wild accusations of extremist ethnic groups within the Liberal ranks. He delivered his preposterous rant on a right-wing radio station in Ottawa. Hence the lawsuit.

As the world knows Poilievre has been voted the most immature MP in Parliament. He has become a huge embarrassment for President Harper as the cat lover looks to muzzle the big-mouthed extremists within his party before he forces an election.

Even Republican Conservative MPs are reeling from Poilievre's latest outburst with some privately saying he has not only become a huge liability, but an embarrassment to Parliament, Canadians and the door jams who voted for him in an Ottawa-area riding.

"Someone should shove a soother up his ass," said one Republican Conservative. "He is unfit to be a Parliamentarian."



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