Friday, March 09, 2007

National Press Gallery Cowers

Hard to believe the National Press Gallery has caved to threats from Canada's tired government that if Big Jim Flaherty and The Twins can't hold a news conference in the media lock-up room on budget day without opposition critics on hand to respond, future media access to anyone in President Harper's circle jerk would be denied.

The cow-towed Press Gallery agreed to the ultimatum from the PMO and have denied access to the likes of Liberal finance critic John McCallum and other opposition critics.

By giving the former Mike Harris beancounter a free ride, the Republicans will dominate Internet and broadcast news cycles for a couple of hours before the Opposition gets to respond. It's like Russia.

The Communist-like control over the national media should alarm Canadians.

What's worse is the national media can't stand up for itself and turtle every time a threat is fired its way. Cowards.

If the national media continues to be the rubes of President Harper (who thinks many of your are stupid, lazy and never check the facts anymore) then readers, listeners and viewers will continue to find alternative sources for the truth.


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