Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Harper Dines On French Cuisine For First Time

Residents of Paris were Thunderstruck today by the frumpy looking baguette carrier strolling through the French capital alongside Nicolas Sarkozy, the country's new president.

It was none other than President Harper, Canada's Republican Conservative leader who doesn't have the guts to walk through a street in Canada unless he is surrounded by Rick Hillier,a convoy of tanks, armoured vehicles and CF-18's flying overhead.

The lesser President, of course, is a nobody in France and pretty much everywhere else in the world, so it wasn't too difficult for him to join the popular Sarkozy on a walkabout to a McDonald's for a breakfast of Big Macs, fries and chocolate shakes.

Harper was overheard telling one of the doormats that travels with him that he was keen to try some French cuisine on his visit so they took him through the Golden Arches. He was later overheard saying French food was overrated.

Harper is in Europe for the International Yuk Yuk Convention - an annual event where unpopular leaders are given a podium to allow the rest of the world to laugh at them.

And Harper stole the show with his monologue on the environment.

The world was still laughing this morning at the lesser President for a plan that was written by one of the best joke writers in the business - John Beard, the rabid neo-con who knows zippo about the environment and even less about himself.


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