Monday, May 07, 2007

Republican-Conservative Watch Boobies On Laptop

You can learn a lot about MP's by what's on their desks in the House of Commons.

Very easy to spot the morons from the dorks from the serious MPs.

Case in point, thanks to my spies in the gallery in the House of Commons.

Today, Republican Conservative MPs' Gordon Brown and his colleague Gary Goodyear showed why some MPs are a waste of space. And we will include Rahim Jaffer in the grouping of backbench wastelanders.

Brown was watching replay footage of the planes hitting the twin towers on his laptop computer. Over and over, Brown watched the planes crash into the World Trade Centre. Freak.

Goodyear, on the other hand, was leafing through a copy of Canadian History for Dummies. We kid you not. He's a self-admitted dummy when it comes to Canadian history.

And then there was Rahim Jaffer today watching a video of a woman with large boobs on his computer in the Commons. And floppy was stirring under his desk with Helena Barbie Guergis only a few seats away. Problems on the home front Rahim?


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