Monday, April 16, 2007

Conservatives:Overpriced Drug Lords

The headlines out of Ottawa this morning would suggest those in President Harper's White House North bunker are smoking something stronger than the medicinal marijuana they are pushing.

Republican Conservative drug lords are charging medical MaryJane users 15 times more for certified pot than it pays to buy the weed in bulk from its official supplier.

Health Canada pays $328.75 for each kilo of bulk medical weed produced by Prairie Plant Systems Inc. The dope is sold to qualified users for $150 per 30 grams. That works out to roughly $5,000 for each kilogram.

Critics rightfully argue that the country's sickest citizens are being ripped off by a government that pays scant attention to the most vulnerable in our society.

That's the Republican-Conservative way.

The bong lickers would take canes away from blind people and wheelchairs from those who can't walk if they could make a buck on renting them back to those in need.


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