Monday, March 19, 2007

General Incompetence O'Connor

General Incompetence looked Canadians in the eye this morning and crapped all over himself. The he took a shower by pissing into the wind.

The former arms lobbyist did an abrupt about-face in the House of Commons after lying to Canadians for months.

Defenceless Minister Gordon O'Connor - with a yellow stripe down his back - was forced to apologize for being a General Embarrassment.

The hapless minister was strong-marched into the Commons - flags lowered - to say he was, uh, sorry, for being a colossol screw-up. He didn't have the guts to quit.

He had to apologize for misleading comments he made on the treatment of detainees captured by Canadian Forces and handed to Afghan authorities.

"I fully and without reservation apologize to the House for providing inaccurate information for members," he boo hooed.

The lobbyist also tabled letters correcting information he and his officials have provided to the Commons.

Last year, O'Connor told MPs that the Red Cross is monitoring the condition of detainees transferred to Afghani authorities.

However, his claims were contradicted by a Red Cross official two weeks ago.

"The International Red Cross Committee is under no obligation to share information with Canada on the treatment of detainess transferred by Canada to Afghan authorities," he blathered.

Why is this guy still in charge of tanks?


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