Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Patsy Martin Sings The Blues

Republican-Conservative-NDP MP Patsy Martin should continue eating the mushrooms on Salzburg Island, where his home is even though he represents a Winnipeg riding.

The John Beard flagellant was speaking political voodoo today about the death spiral his party of poncho wearers has found itself in.

Martin, a chief prop for President Harper and a bum slapper of Beard, finally admitted what everyone has known for 46 years since the dipsy doodlers were born.

The NDP is a fringe player on the political landscape and has bored people "into some kind of stupor where nobody has any idea what we stand for anymore."

Things are so bad at the NDP, the party has enlisted the help of puppets to get its message out. Puppets.

Martin was so despondent about the future of the NDP, he shockingly suggested that if the dippers get the orange kicked out of them when the President forces an election this spring, they should consider a coalition with the Liberals.

Fat chance sucka.


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