Tuesday, March 27, 2007

President Harper's Lost Files

In their haste to pick the best offices at the Langevin Block after last year's election, wide-eyed Republican-Conservatives left a whole bunch of interesting crap behind in their rush to buy drapes, staplers and new underwear.

A gold mine of documents - 36 boxes in total and filing cabinets - were carelessly forgotten in what were formerly Republican-Conservative offices, otherwise known as the OLO (Office of the Leader of the Opposition).

The offices at 180 Wellington Street has proven to be a treasure trove of files for Liberals who were punted from their government offices and relocated in the former Republican-Conservative offices a few floors below.

It was a move that has so far paid off and, according to sources, will continue to pay off because of the nature of some of the sensitive forgotten files that will be sprung on President Harper during the next election campaign.

In one of the boxes, Liberal researchers found the "smoking gun" that alleges former Reform MP Jimmy Hart was induced into vacating his B.C. seat so Public Safety Pin Minister Doris Day could parachute into the riding when he was the fledgling leader of the Canadian Alliance of dinosaurs.

The RCMP are looking at those documents before determining whether a full-scale criminal investigation should be launched. The documents are new, and it would be very difficult for the Mounted horsemen to ignore them.

The Republican-Conservatives bozos also left behind dozens of personnel files - peformance appraisals of the likes of the lesser president's press secretary Carolyn Stewart Olson and a number of other present day politcal staffers and those who have gone on to the lobby trough.

Some of the job reviews were nasty, according to sources - so nasty that some of those appraised should never be allowed in the workforce.

It is unbelievable that the so-cons would recklessly leave behind files of this nature. Privacy issues come to mind.

If the minions around Harper now were so careless with the privacy of their own staffers, one can only imagine what would happen under a majority Republican-Conservative regime.

Fucking scary.


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