Monday, May 28, 2007

How Do You Spell Pathetic? Harper's PMO

Much laughs around Parliament Hill water fountains today after the Republican Conservative spin machine (a tricycle) made fools of themselves, yet again.

The mindless mimes over at the White House North bunker had the gall to issue a statement chastising Liberal Leader Stephane Dion for not making himself available to media on a recent swing through Peterborough.

The outright lie was exposed for what it was, and a quick check of the record shows that media did in fact have access to Dion as they do on an almost daily basis -sometimes twice daily.

What they didn't have access to was a closed-door round table.

Harper on the other hand - like his muzzled cabinet seals - runs away from the media. Just look at the yellow stripe down his back.

In fact, the lesser President, a cat lover, is so scared of the media and access that he has ordered the dark-suited dimwits he employs to stay away from downtown pubs for fear of letting loose lips sink his already listing ship.

And last week, the rubes in his office and ministerial staffers were ordered to remove themselves from the Internet social network known as Facebook.

So when one talks about open access, one need look no futher than Dion.

As for President Harper, get a flak jacket that fits next time you pop by Afghanistan for a photo op.

Where the hell was your stylist/psychic. You looked like Colonel Klink out there.


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