Monday, June 11, 2007

Has President Harper Gone Bonkers? Oh Yeah!!!

Someone at the White House North bunker should rush across the street to President Harper's Centre Block office and perform the difficult task of removing the lesser President's head from his ass before he suffocates in his own crap.

Anyone watching the George Bush clone today nearly upchucked in disbelief at his MIA take on his Republican Conservative government's bully treatment of Atlantic Canada and Saskatchewan.

The cat lover, fresh from embarrassing Canada on the world stage in Germany, had the gall to suggest his government doesn't break contracts, and if the provinces don't kiss his ring, he will take them to court if they keep accurately portraying his luddite government of being vindictive liars.

"We respect contracts," the feckless divide boasted at a news conference. He forgot to mention the Kelowna Accord, child-care deals, literacy programs and, of course, international environmental deals he has broken, among many others.

Harper proves on a daily basis he is unfit to govern. He lacks the policy and vision needed to unite the country.

Instead, he and his merry group of boot lickers prefer to divide the country, to pit region against region, premier against premier.


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